You'll have access to data from the previous 3-months from the date of your search. We use a rolling date range, so you can always look back 3-months from the current date.
Access data on U.S. ocean freight imports for all companies.
15 company searches per day
15 company searches per day may be enough if you are just monitoring a few competitors or researching suppliers in a single industry.
Search for consignees and shippers in our trade data. This plan is best if you simply need to monitor trade activity for a handful of companies.
You'll have access to data from the previous 12-months from the date of your search. We use a rolling date range, so you can always look back 12-months from the current date.
Access data on U.S. ocean freight imports for all companies.
25 searches per day
25 searches per day may be enough to research buyers and suppliers of various products, as well as monitor those companies over the last year.
You can filter and view by the consignee, shipper, and 40+ other fields we record per shipment.
Complete U.S. Export Data
U.S. ocean freight exports from January 1, 2014 to the present for all companies.